Stay the same or Pivot?
Mike Walsh, Consultant, Aer Mobi Limited
Carlos Gomez, Senior Director, Jet Aviation Business Jets HK and Singapore
Justin Yeung, Head of Commercial, Metrojet Ltd
Alex Jiao, Chairman and CEO, Hongkong Jet
Simon Bambridge, Commercial Director, Asia, TAG Aviation
More speakers to be confirmed...
We are living in turbulent times … especially for management companies, as owners indiscriminately change horses feeling the grass is greener on the other side. How do you manage this challenge and maintain customers? Transparency is a big driver - the more the owner knows the better it allows you to head off issues before they escalate. How do you give that to the owners & their offices? What are owners looking for to keep them happy ultimately - full service or boutique services they can pick and choose from? What requirements are you seeing the most requests for? Just get them where they want to go & when they want to get there? Is it that simple? What have you had to introduce into your daily business and service offerings to clients during the covid pandemic and what will remain? What part of your business would you like to grow?