Less than a week to go until the start of ASGVEC!

They say time flies when you are having fun, and it is definitely true when it came to putting together the very first Asian Sky Group Virtual Exhibition & Conference (ASGVEC). It seems like only yesterday we sent out our first email telling you about the event, yet here we are, with less than a week to go until it starts!

Just before sending this email, I checked the attendee numbers, and so far more than 2,100 people have signed up to experience this ground-breaking event first-hand.

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Right now the finishing touches are being taken care of, although just like with an in-person event where the carpets are laid in the morning the show starts, there are a few things that need to be finalized. This week for example we are continuing to onboard our exhibitors and speakers so that they are comfortable with how to use ASGVEC to the fullest.

Don’t worry if you don’t fall into one of those categories though; there’s an interactive training guide as soon as you enter ASGVEC for the first time, as well as a full user guide and frequently asked questions section in the show guide.


Speaking of the show guide, did you know that when you enter ASGVEC you are given a digital briefcase? This comes pre-loaded with the show guide and user guide and is used to store any documents that you pick up when visiting booths. It can also store magazines – just like a real-world show, we have magazine racks where you can pick up the latest edition of your favorite business aviation publication.

The show guide will also include a map of the event so that you can plan which exhibitors to visit. Rather than having all exhibitors in one hall, we decided to have four smaller halls to create more of an atmosphere.

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It is not too late to join 2,100+ of your industry colleagues, so sign up to attend for free by visiting asgvec.com!


The ASGVEC countdown continues!


Don’t miss your chance to meet VistaJet, Universal & More!